Crowns and bridges are among the most popular restorative treatments offered by Jarred Donald, DDS, at Cisco Dental. Advancements in dental technology make it possible to restore your smile with durable and natural-looking restorations. Many residents in Cisco, Texas, have learned firsthand how crowns and bridges can transform smiles. Book a visit online or by phone today to get started.

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What are dental crowns?

Dental crowns, sometimes called “caps,” are a restorative treatment that completely covers all visible surfaces of a natural tooth. They are a versatile treatment that can address numerous issues at once.

Crowns are also durable and will protect and beautify your smile for many years to come. Some of the issues a custom dental crown can treat include:

  • Cracked or chipped teeth
  • Fractured teeth
  • Worn-down teeth
  • Advanced decay
  • Severe discoloration
  • Irregularities in shape or size of teeth

Thanks to advancements in dental technology, today’s dental crowns are strong and beautiful. Once your crown is in place, it will blend seamlessly with your adjacent natural teeth.

What are the steps involved in getting a dental crown?

A dental exam and imaging are a part of the process to determine if a dental crown is the best treatment for your needs. If you and Dr. Donald decide to move forward with a crown, you’ll receive numbing medication to keep you comfortable throughout the process.

Dr. Donald removes a small portion of your natural tooth tissue to make room for your new crown. A set of impressions is made to guide the fabrication of your custom crown. A temporary crown is installed to protect the tooth while your new crown is being manufactured.

Once your new crown arrives, you’ll return to have it checked for appearance and fit. If Dr. Donald is pleased with the quality of your crown, he cements it into place, completing the restoration. You may experience some mild soreness for a couple of days as your body adjusts to the new crown, but there is no significant pain.

What is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge is a restoration that replaces one or more missing teeth. Bridgework is a great option for people who have a gap in their smile but still have many healthy natural teeth remaining.

Dental bridges consist of one or more false teeth secured on either side by a dental crown. There are also options that replace one of your back molars and are only secured by one dental crown. Bridges are permanently affixed and cannot be removed at home.

The process of getting a dental bridge is the same as having a crown placed. The false tooth or teeth that fill the gap in your smile are carefully crafted to match your surrounding teeth.

Bridges are a great alternative to partial dentures. Once your bridge is installed, it will look and function much like your natural teeth and give you many years of wear.

To explore dental crowns and bridges in more detail, call the office to book a visit. Online scheduling is also available and takes just moments to complete.